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Practice Setup

This tab allows you to configure various settings for your practice.

Practice settings tab

This is the name of your practice that will be used internally by Panacea.  For example, it appears in the Practice selector on Panacea's main window .  It does not appear on your statements.

This is the official practice number registered at the Board of Healthcare Funders .  Note that it is absolutely imperitive that you capture this correctly.  An incorrectly captured BHF number will result in non-payment of your claims.  Panacea requires the full 13 digit number.  Please refer to your official registration papers.  Do not attempt to "pad" your 7 digit number in order to convert it into a 13 digit number.

Select the country in which your practice is located.

Practice type
This indicates your type of medical practice.  Select the item which best describes your practice.

This practice dispenses medicines
This checkbox  tells Panacea whether you will be charging for medicines.  If you check this checkbox  Panacea will allow you to add medicine items to invoices .

This practice uses lab notes
This checkbox  will only be visible if you select a dental Practice type.  If you check this checkbox  Panacea will add the menu item New lab note to the Transactions menu.  This enables you to capture lab notes from dental technicians.

Age up to
This ComboBox  allows you to select how many ageing periods  are calculated by Panacea.  These ageing periods  are displayed on statements and on each account's  Financial Summary tab .  You can override this setting on certain reports, for example the Age Analysis  has an Age to setting as well.

Account numbers

Numbering option
This ComboBox  allows you to select how account numbers are allocated:

  • Numeric: system-wide sequence - this option ensures that no practices at your site have overlapping account numbers.  This can reduce ambiguity, but also means that account numbers will be missing when viewed from the perspective of a particular practice.  For example, if practice A adds an account it may be allocated account number 1.  If practice B then adds an account it will be allocated account 2, etc.
  • Numeric: separate sequence per practice - this option results in each practice allocating account numbers in it's own sequence.  For example, if practice A adds an account it may be allocated account number 1.  If practice B then adds an account it will also be allocated account number 1.  i.e. the account number sequence for practice A does not influence the sequence of practice B.
  • Manually selected account numbers - Panacea will not generate account numbers.  When adding a new account you will be required to enter an account number.

Next account no.
This determines what the next account number will be when an account is added to this practice.  In general you should not modify this.  However, if you are replacing your old software with Panacea you may not want Panacea's account numbers to clash with those of your old software.  You can set any number, but you cannot go "backwards".  In other words you cannot set the Next account no. field to a number that has already been allocated to an account in Panacea.  You should also be careful not to set a number that is so high that you will soon run out of numbers.

Account no. length
This determines the length of account numbers generated by Panacea.  Account numbers are padded on the left with zero's to ensure that they are the correct length, as specified by the Account no. length setting.

This will be added to the beginning of account numbers when they are generated.  If you are administering multiple practices it might make things easier if their account numbers look different, e.g. you could use the prefix "SM" for Dr Smith and the prefix "AB" for Dr Abraham.  Note that prefixes are not added if you selected Manually selected account numbers for Numbering option.


This practice is a registered VAT vendor
Check this checkbox  if your practice is registered to pay VAT (Value Added Tax).

This is your official VAT registration number.  Note that this number will NOT automatically appear on your statements.  You must include it in your statement header details.


Automatically add person responsible as a statement recipient
If this checkbox  is checked Panacea will automatically add the person responsible  as a statement recipient  when adding an account.

Pricelists tab

This tab allows you to configure your default practice pricelists .  When you capture an invoice  Panacea determines which pricelist  to use based on an hierarchy of default settings.  Click here  for more info.  If no pricelist  has been set on the patient's account  or funder  then Panacea will look at the practice defaults, set on this tab.

Note that different default pricelists  can be set for each of the account types: Medical aid, Injury on Duty and Private.

This determines how Panacea rounds off monetary values when capturing an invoice .  Values may already have been rounded off on the pricelist , but because the pricelist  values may be changed due to application of modifiers  and/or a markup , it is necessary to configure how Panacea performs rounding.

  • To the nearest cent
  • To the nearest 10 cents
  • To the nearest rand
  • R10 and below: nearest cent, >R10: nearest 10 cents - this performs different rounding depending on the value being rounded.

Interest tab

This tab allows you to configure how and when to charge interest on overdue accounts.  For more information on calculating the interest charges click here .

Annual interest rate
This is the annual percentage that will be used to calculate interest.  Panacea assumes that interest will be charged monthly, so the Annual interest rate is actually divided by 12 before being multiplied by the outstanding amount on each account.

Ignore if charge is less than
This allows you to set a minimum interest charge.  If an account's interest charge is below this amount then no interest will be charged on that account.  For example, if the outstanding balance on an account is only R5 then the interest charge would be 4 cents (based on an Annual interest rate of 10%).  If you set Ignore if charge is less than to R2, for example, then Panacea would not charge interest on this account since 4c is less than R2.


When generating interest charges  on overdue accounts Panacea will determine when to start charging interest based on a hierarchy of defaults.  For more information click here .  The settings on this tab are the default settings for your practice.

  • Don't charge interest - Panacea will not charge interest, regardless of how overdue the account is.
  • from 30 days - Panacea will start charging interest once the account has a balance in the 30 days ageing period.
  • from 60 days etc - the available options are determined by the Age up to field on the Practice settings tab.

Note that you can set different defaults for each of the account types: Medical aid accounts, Injury on Duty and Private accounts.

Electronic Remittance Advices tab

This tab allows you to configure your eRA  preferences:

Note that it is highly recommended that you leave all three checkboxes  checked (enabled).

Automatically generate transaction batches when Remittance Advices are received
This is checked by default and will result in Webworker generating transactions automatically when the eRA is received.  You will still be notified that the eRA has been received and you can still review and amend the transactions, so it is totally safe to leave this option checked.  However, if you uncheck this option Webworker will not automatically generate transactions.

Consolidate allocations that refer to the same transaction
It is possible for more than one item on an eRA to refer to a single original transaction.  Leave this option checked to ensure that Panacea does not generate multiple transactions and allocations in this situation.

Adjust the patient's portion (if possible) when the funder pays more than it's portion
Leave this checked to allow Panacea to transfer the required amount from the patient's portion to ensure that the funder does not "over pay".  For example, if the "funder owing" amount on your system is R80 and the "patient owing" amount is R20, but the funder actually pays R85 Panacea will automatically transfer R5 from the patient's portion to the funder's portion before allocating the payment.


SnapScan tab

This tab allows you to configure your SnapScan  settings and preferences:

Snap code (Merchant ID)
This code will be assigned to you once you have registered as a SnapScan merchant.  Be very careful to enter the code accurately, and note that it is case-sensitive .

Maximum payment amount
Panacea will not print SnapScan QR codes on statements where the amount owing is greater than this amount.  Note that (by default) SnapScan limits payments to R5000 so Panacea also defaults to this limit.  However, SnapScan will increase the limit if you request it.

Medical aid accounts default
This combobox  can be set to one of the following options:

  • Reflect person responsible portion - SnapScan QR codes will contain the amount owing by the person responsible for the account. i.e. any amounts that are owing by the medical aid are excluded.  This is generally the best option because the patient only pays their portion, and the medical aid pays the rest.  Panacea's realtime eClaims Assessment Responses  provide accurate details on amounts covered by the patient's medical aid, so it is not necessary to recover these amounts from the patient first.  Just make sure you click Transfer Shortpaid when an assessment reflects a short payment.  This will ensure that the "person responsible portion" includes shortpaid amounts.
  • Reflect full amount outstanding - SnapScan QR codes will contain the full amount outstanding on the account, i.e. both the patient's portion and the medical aid's portion.  This can obviously result in double payment and is not recommended.  However, it may be desirable for practices that require full payment by the patient, preferring the patient to then "claim back" from the medical aid.

Display SnapScan QR codes on MEDICAL AID statements
This checkbox  determines whether SnapScan QR codes are printed at the bottom of medical aid  statements.

Display SnapScan QR codes on INJURY ON DUTY statements
This checkbox  determines whether SnapScan QR codes are printed at the bottom of injury on duty  statements.

Display SnapScan QR codes on PRIVATE statements
This checkbox  determines whether SnapScan QR codes are printed at the bottom of private  statements.

Note that it is highly recommended that you display SnapScan QR codes on all statements (perhaps with the exception of Injury on Duty accounts).  Displaying QR codes on statements creates awareness of SnapScan, which increases the number of users.  Ultimately this will mean more patients that want to make use of SnapScan.

Batch option
Panacea automatically generates payments and allocations for SnapScan payments.  This combobox  determines if Panacea will group them together into transaction batches :

  • Each payment is placed in it's own transaction batch - Panacea will not group SnapScan payments together.  Each payment gets it's own transaction batch, similar to a Quick Transaction .
  • Payments are grouped into one transaction batch per day - Panacea will place all SnapScan payments with the same date into the same transaction batch .  Grouping SnapScan payments together makes cross-checking and reconcilliation easier.
  • Payments are grouped into one transaction batch per financial period - Panacea will place all SnapScan payments in the same financial period  into the same transaction batch .  Grouping SnapScan payments together makes cross-checking and reconcilliation easier.

Financial periods
This combobox  can be set to one of the following options:

  • Financial period is selected based on payment date - Panacea generates the SnapScan payment with a financial period that is determined from the payment date.
  • The current financial period is always selected for payments - Panacea generates the SnapScan payment with a financial period that is "current".  This is the more "correct" setting because it does not affect your financial totals from previous financial periods, i.e. your accountant will prefer it.  However, since SnapScan payments occur in realtime there is seldom any difference between these settings.


Licence tab

This tab allows you to view (or update) your current licence information.

Panacea's implementation of a licence key helps to reduce software piracy, thereby reducing the costs to legitimate paying users such as you.  To reduce hassle Webworker  will automatically update your licence for you everyday via the internet.

However, in the event that your internet connection is not working you can also enter your licence key manually into the Licence key field.  If you want to Paste the licence key from the clipboard click the Paste key from clipboard button.

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