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Grant Access Wizard

This wizard  simplifies the process of providing a user  with access to the current practice.  Initially the Grant Access Wizard will look like this:

Click on one of the Radio buttons  to choose how you want to proceed:

Grant access to an existing user

This option allows you to grant additional privleges to an existing user  to allow them to access this practice.  Simply select the user  from the ComboBox  and click OK.

Create a user from an existing person

This option allows you to use an existing person .  Use the Person Selector  to select the person then click OK.  Panacea will create a new user  for that person and will grant him/her access to the current practice.

Create a new user with the following details

This option allows you to set up a user from scratch.  Fill in the details (Title, First name etc) and then click OK.  Panacea will first add a new person  with the details you have supplied.  Panacea will then add a new user  for that person and will grant him/her access to the current practice.

If you click the Create a user from an existing person or Create a new user with the following details Radio button  Panacea will require additional info.  The following example shows a new user being created from scratch:

Leave the Grant this user access to all practices checkbox  checked if you want the new user to have access to all practices.  Otherwise uncheck it and select which practices the new user should have access to.  You will also need to provide a logon password.

For more details on Panacea users click here .

Go to this user's record when done
If you leave this checkbox  checked Panacea will open the newly created user 's record for you to see.  You can then make changes to his/her privileges if necessary.  The user's record will only be displayed once you click OK.

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