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Adding prices to a Date period

This allows you to add prices for additional Practice types to an existing Pricelist's Date period.

The Description, Applies From and Applies Until fields cannot be changed since they are part of the pre-existing Date period.

Practice type
This will determine which codes' prices will be calculated.

Unit price
The value you enter here will be multiplied by each code's Relative Value Units (RVU)  to calculate the code's price.  For example, if code X has an RVU of 5 units and you enter a Unit price of 7.50 then the code's price will be R37.50.

This allows you to choose how the calculated values will be rounded off.

Once you have entered all the above fields click Generate prices.  Panacea will calculate all the prices and then display them in the Browse Pricelist values tab .

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